My Vision
It is my vision that humans see and experience themselves holistically.
That they recognize their multi-facetted nature and shape their life happily and healthily as a complete being. For each other, together, loving and with appreciation, every person with his / her individual abilities.
In his or her strength, in success.

My Mission
It is my mission to enable people in utilizing their abilities, in health and happiness – both in private and professionally. I want to accompany them on their individual, authentic path. In their being.
Just Be.
That is “Just B- Coaching”.
That is what I stand for.
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What is “Just B Coaching”?
“Just B Coaching” concentrates on the here and now, on your state today (“to be”).
We are not going to rummage through old dramas – we will only glance at them to know what everything is about to then focus on today and the future.
We ask: “What” can I, “how” can I and, most importantly, how do I “want” to change my today to make sure that I am more healthy and content the next moment, tomorrow. WHAT can I do, to improve my well-being starting NOW, in my current situation?!
To achieve this, we take a look at your current situation, your life today. Starting with our first session, you will recieve tools to immediately start changing, making your life easier, happier and more complete. To enable you to relearn enjoying Being, with ease and in health. Enjoy your precious, unique life. Because that is what life has been given you for! Yes, to enjoy! Start loving your life again today, your body, your mind, your abilities, your passions, start living your dreams and visions authentically. That is the meaning behind your existance as a person on this earth. Live and enjoy it!
Starting NOW!

For whom is “Just B Coaching” intended?
For everyone!
How often?
My experience has taught me, that we are able to get to the core of the issue already in the first session, however, we will need at least 3, a maximum of 5 sessions to enable you to use the newly acquired language on your way.
How long?
Usually coaching is most effective if the first 1-3 sessions take place roughly 2-3 weeks apart, followed by sessions 3-5 at later points in time (4-6 weeks apart). However, we can of course always agree on individual sessions according to your needs and interests.
- Life-Coaching
- Partner-Coaching
- Family-Coaching
- Business-Coaching
- Leadership-Coaching
- Group-Dynamic-Coaching
- Personality-Coaching
In addition I offer the following:
- Body-Awareness-Coaching
- Voice- and Speech-Coaching
It doesn’t matter what “title” we use – in the end coaching always focusses on the individual in its surrounding, the system within it lives. The ecosystem is the at the heart of our investigation, to give individuals their best tools to enable them to live his or her life happily, with ease and in health. That is why I call it “Just B Coaching” – für everyone.
1 Session (per 60- 75 min.)
- in person at the “Just B” – location
- in person in your company or at home
- over the telephone
- using Skype
Additional service
In addition to the regular appointments I offer intermediate consulting, where I accompany you via WhatsApp, e-mail or iMessage on your new way. I won’t leave you alone with your issues but rather work together with you following our first session.
This additional service is included in the costs.
Should you have financial limits, we will no doubt be able to find a solution – just contact me and let’s discuss things openly.
Invoices I provide can be tax-deducted as advertising and training costs (in Germany).
As a non-medical practitioner in psychotherapy I am qualified and allowed to diagnose psychological disorders and forward you to a specialist.
Thank you so much for the great and powerful coaching sessions, that have brought light and clarity to me everytime.
Your hands-on ability to integrate various topics using easy to understand “tools” in day to day life has helped me a lot – and still helps me today. Issues, that felt huge and insurmountable beforehand, suddenly wear simple, easy and broken down into smaller steps.
Your sense of humor along with your warm-heartedness and absolute presence complete the package.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Coaching with Birte is vivid and true to life. She recognizes the core of your topic and brings you closer to your dreams and wishes. Small tipps and tricks help in everyday life, enabling you to apply the things you learned and change your life in a sustainable way. Through her work I have learned to believe in my vision and redesign my inner convictions and beliefs. Even today, I still use the tools and ideas that Birte provided for my way in life. Thank you for everything! Johanna
Birtes emphathic and energetic nature truly helped me tackling my midlife-topics.
In her work, she uses therapeutic and Kern[!]Coaching elements.
A mixture, that inspired me and supported myself in searching for solutions – with success.
The best thing about working with you, dear Birte, is the fact that you always manage to rekindle my motivation, my discipline and my desire to constructively work on myself. What makes you special is your persistance, searching for images that actually work for me, that I identify with and get me going. Many of your tools seem trivial at first, but once I start using them I feel the old patterns leave. I never feel pressured by you, you accept me with all of my emotional colours, truly listen and convey the feeling of being seen.
Thanks to your loving support I feel safe and secure – enforcing my love of life. I thank you for
seeing me without any prejudice, giving me a chance to rediscover and believe in myself.
Dear Birte, bevor I came to you, I was afraid of ever consulting a psychologist.
I thank you for not just ignoring me like other alternative practitioners have done before and appreciate the time you have invested in me. In addition, I’m thankful for the support you provided, the strength you have given me and the courage you have infused through your therapeutic skills and competence.
You have inspired me to take the big step into a different life and find my new self. I thank you for all we have achieved and look forward to what is coming up! All the best to you!

CV – Who am I?
I am Birte (*1983). I am a human, a woman, a partner and since 2014 mother of a son.
I am an actress with a 2007 diploma of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg.
I am a non-medical practitioner in psychotherapie with a 2013 authorisation by the Gesundheitsamt Berlin-Lichtenberg
I am a systemic individual, partnership and family therapist with a 2013 degree of the Akademie für Psychotherapie Schwetzingen.
I am a certified coach trained by Jo Kern to be a Kern[!]Coach in 2016.
I am an entrepreneur and founded my coaching company “Just B Coaching” in 2017.
I am in training 2017 – traning in Psychophysiognomie (Facial-Expression-Recognition) by Jo Kern as a Kern-profiler in Munich
I am a trainer – certified and licensed since 2019 for the project “Wege aus der Stressfalle”, which won the Saarland Health Award in March 2019 and has been certified by the ZPP (Zentrale Prüfstelle Prävention) –
As a coach, I utilize all my knowledge and experience gathered throughout these various vocations in order to provide you with the best possible company on your individual, diverse, authentic way. In your vocation, in your life with your wishes, goals and expectations – in your being.
Who are YOU? Today!
And starting NOW.
Let's make an appointment!
Send me an e-mail, call me or send me a message through the contact form – I am here for you starting right now.
Contakt & Impressum
Inhaberin Birte Wentzek, Heilpraktikerin Psychotherapie
Götzer Dorfstraße 48
14550 Groß Kreutz/OT Götz
Telefon: +49-33207-290832
Zulassung zur Heilpraktikerin Psychotherapie am 28.06.2013 durch das Bezirksamt Lichtenberg von Berlin (030- 90296-0).